Legal Action in the International Arena – We use the legal tools at our disposal, with the goal to bring to justice perpetrators of human rights violations – click here to learn more.
We cannot ignore the events taking place in our region. JIJ began researching the state of human rights in the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. It became clear to us that the massive foreign aid given to help improve the lives of Palestinians is not reaching those who most need it. Their corrupt government leaders are getting rich while violating every basic human right and freedom.
We strongly believe that to be Pro-Israeli, you don’t have to be Anti-Palestinian and to be Pro-Palestinian you don’t have to be Anti-Israeli. We must work for the advancement of all peoples and protect their rights.
JIJ’s Special Consultative Status at the United Nations ECOSOC provides us the opportunity to be heard by a global audience and directly contribute to international humanitarian law.
JIJ investigates and reports violations of human rights in the Middle East. When abuses like torture, war crimes against children and executions without trial are committed against our vulnerable neighbors, we take action on their behalf to bring change.
We utilize legal and research tools in order to advocate in International Legal forums across the globe. Through research, drafting and presenting complaints, evidence, and testimonies to the International Criminal Court and Governmental bodies, we target perpetrators of human rights violations that have so far enjoyed impunity. For full reports click here.
The universality of human rights is a standard that requires constant vigilance and protection, not just in the Middle East, but also in the global arena. JIJ’s research and advocacy team dedicate thousands of hours a year to create awareness and policy changes with the goal of positively impacting the lives of millions living in oppression.
With your support, we can hold abusers accountable for their actions and continue to uphold human rights in the Middle East.