This report exposes the censorship on freedom of expression and freedom of press in the Palestinian territories. Journalists and citizens are restricted from speaking out on many topics, and areas such as politics and corruption are red line (forbidden) issues. The consequences of criticizing the reigning government can range on a spectrum from arbitrary arrest, torture and other abuses. Journalists are not protected by any body and therefore are constantly at risk.
While free press and speech are suppressed, hate speech and incitement of violence are common occurrences by Palestinian individuals and officials. Palestinian public bodies do not work to quell such actions, and in some ways political institutions encourage and sanction them. Even more so, journalists, religious leaders and government officials are at the core of spreading and promoting hate, antisemitism, and anti-Israel propaganda. With the rise in popularity of social media, the internet has become a main forum with which hate speech is circulated throughout the Palestinian community and disseminated world-wide.